Django ignores changes made to file - Amazon AWS

I just created an EC2 instance and created a Django app and am using Amazon servers. Usually, when I make changes to my Djnago application, I update it by doing

git add .
git commit -m "change"
git aws.push


I recently made changes to my file and did the three steps above. Then I went to my site and for some reason when I visit the url it gives a 404 not found error and says

Using the URLconf defined in myapp.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

    1. ^$

The current URL, register/, didn't match any of these.


However, my does indeed have

url(r'^$', mainPageView),
url(r'^login/$', login),
url(r'^logout/$', logoutView),
url(r'^register/$', registerView),


and many others. I even tried to do

eb update


to make sure this updates the server, but it doesn't. Why is Django giving me a 404 error, stating that the url does not match any of my urls in my file, even if it does?


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