EXC_BREAKPOINT fast access triggers

Here is my code (largeAsteroids.count is never 0):

var largeAsteroids=[[SKTexture]]()
func randomLargeAsteroidTextures()->Array<SKTexture>{
        let i=Int(arc4random())%largeAsteroids.count
        return largeAsteroids[i]// this line triggers EXC_BREAKPOINT


When I execute my code, I don't get any errors, but I get EXC_BREAKPOINT. I ensured there was no breakpoint and at the index I was a valid object. enter image description here

I first changed SKTexture to AnyObject, it didn't help. Then I tried to use NSMutableArray instead of swift array, the problem still exists:

var largeAsteroids=NSMutableArray()
    func randomLargeAsteroidTextures()->AnyObject{
        let i=Int(arc4random())%largeAsteroids.count
        return largeAsteroids.objectAtIndex(i) // this line triggers EXC_BREAKPOINT



Problem solved, replace:

let i=Int(arc4random())%largeAsteroids.count



let i=Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(largeAsteroids.count)))


Thanks for the solution Matt:

You should probably use arc4random_uniform. You will get a modular deviation from the current implementation. - Matt Gibson


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1 answer

You had a 32-bit target, right? On a 32-bit target (like iPhone 4) Swift Ints are 32-bit and signed. However, on any platform, arc4random () returns an unsigned 32-bit integer.

Due to this conflict and your conversion to Int, Int(arc4random())

sometimes - in fact, half the time, all other things being equal - your number was negative, giving you a negative array index and causing the problem (although I get EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION as I expected, when i reproduce the problem, presumably you have an exception breakpoint?)

My suggestion to use arc4random_uniform should work fine until your asteroid count is greater than Int.max on a 32-bit platform, which is probably unlikely unless you give the player a really hard time. This will also avoid modulo bias in the random generation, so the random numbers you get will be more evenly distributed than in your original solution.



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