How can I stop elpy from overriding some of my key bindings?

I just updated my emacs elpy package and installed the following key bindings:

<M-down>        elpy-nav-move-iblock-down
<M-left>        elpy-nav-move-iblock-left
<M-right>       elpy-nav-move-iblock-right
<M-up>          elpy-nav-move-iblock-up


I usually have these keys tied to windmove-<direction>

, and I think this is a real pain. Following this github issue I tried:

(load "python")
(define-key elpy-mode-map [remap windmove-left] nil)
(define-key elpy-mode-map [remap windmove-right] nil)
(define-key elpy-mode-map [remap windmove-down] nil)
(define-key elpy-mode-map [remap windmove-up] nil)


in mine .emacs

, but no luck. How do I stop elpy-mode

these keys from overriding?


source to share

1 answer

You can reset the offending collations in nil

one fell swoop like this. UPDATE. As per lunaryorn's comment, the file parameter should be "elpy"

, not "python"

which is now reflected in the answer.

(eval-after-load "elpy"
  '(cl-dolist (key '("M-<up>" "M-<down>" "M-<left>" "M-<right>"))
     (define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd key) nil)))


If you are not interested in dolist

, you can wrap the four calls define-key

in progn

between eval-after-load




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