Accessing Company Data from Salesforce

I would like to receive company information from salesforece crm. I tried it with the beatbox package. Code

import beatbox

sf_username = "myusername"
sf_password = "mypassword"
sf_api_token = "mytoken"

def get_lead_records_by_email():
    sf_client = beatbox.PythonClient()
    password = str("%s%s" % (mypassword, mytoken))
    sf_client.login(sf_username, password)
    lead_qry = "SELECT City,State,Street,NumberOfEmployees,CompanyId FROM DatacloudCompany WHERE DunsNumber = '008528283'"
    records = sf_client.query(lead_qry)
    return records

print get_lead_records_by_email()


But I am getting the following error. beatbox._beatbox.SoapFaultError: 'INVALID_TYPE' "INVALID_TYPE: sObject type 'DatacloudCompany' is not supported."

Is there something I am doing wrong?

I saw a couple of other packages like the simple Salesforce command and pyforce. Will beatbox be the best one to use or should I choose some other package?

Any help in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

"INVALID_TYPE: sObject type" DatacloudCompany "is not supported."

try using another library that DatacloudCompany can support like simples-salesforce or RestForce



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