Restsharp: deserialize json object with fewer fields than some class
I am using Restsharp to deserialize some of the webservice responses, however the problem is that sometimes these web services send a json response with multiple fields. I still manage to do this by adding all possible fields to my fit model, but this webservice will keep adding / removing fields from its answer.
For example:
Json answer that works:
"name": "Daniel",
"age": 25
Matching model:
public class Person
public string name { get; set; }
public int age { get; set; }
This works great: Person person = deserializer.Deserialize<Person>(response);
Now, suppose the json response is:
"name": "Daniel",
"age": 25,
"birthdate": "11/10/1988"
See the new bithdate field . Now things are not going well. Is there a way to tell restsharp to ignore those fields that are not in the model?
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If there are many changes in the fields you are returning, perhaps a better approach is to skip the static DTOs and deserialize before dynamic
. This gist gives an example of how to do it with RestSharp by creating your own deserializer:
// ReSharper disable CheckNamespace
namespace RestSharp.Deserializers
// ReSharper restore CheckNamespace
public class DynamicJsonDeserializer : IDeserializer
public string RootElement { get; set; }
public string Namespace { get; set; }
public string DateFormat { get; set; }
public T Deserialize<T>(RestResponse response) where T : new()
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(response.Content);
// Override default RestSharp JSON deserializer
client = new RestClient();
client.AddHandler("application/json", new DynamicJsonDeserializer());
var response = client.Execute<dynamic>(new RestRequest("http://dummy/users/42"));
// Data returned as dynamic object!
dynamic user = response.Data.User;
An easier alternative is to use Flurl.Http (disclaimer: I'm the author), an HTTP client client that deserializes to dynamic
the default when no generic arguments are provided:
dynamic d = await "".GetJsonAsync();
In both cases, the actual deserialization is done by Json.NET . With RestSharp, you will need to add the package to your project (although you have another chance); Flurl.Http has a dependency on it.
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