How to wait for some text to appear in the panel

In a shell script, I would like to be able to send keys to the tmux session after waiting for commands to change anything in the panel.

Here's one of my options:

tmux send-keys -t ...  'vi .' c-m # This opens NERDTree
sleep 3                           # Sometimes sleep 2 is not enough
tmux send-keys -t ...  c-w l      # Go to tab right


Commands can run the send key command by outputting them, but if there is a better way I would listen.

The first idea I had, and actually good for my simple first use case, was clumsy

  function wait_for_text_event
       while :; do
          tmux capture-pane -t ... -p | grep "string triggering completion" && return 0
       # never executed unless a timeout mechanism is implemented
       return 1


Now I can do

tmux send-keys -t ... 'vi .' c-m
wait_for_text_event ''   # meaning NERDTree has opened the split window
tmux send-keys -t ...  c-w l      # Go to tab right


However, Implementing timeouts gets trickier in the shell, and busy waiting is ugly anyway.

Is there any command (or a way to implement it) that just blocks until some text is displayed in the panel, eg.

tmux wait-for-text -t ... "Hello World" && & tmux send-keys ...

possibly with a timeout.

Or maybe I am approaching this the wrong way?


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1 answer

You can use the built-in timeout executable in Linux and run a subshell. Try something like this:

# $1: string to grep for
# $2: timeout in s
  timeout $2 bash <<EOT
  while :; do
    sleep 1
    echo "test" | grep $1 2>&1 > /dev/null && break
  echo $?

echo $(wait_for_text_event "text" 5)   # this times out, returncode !=0
echo $(wait_for_text_event "test" 5)   # this passes, returncode == 0




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