Generic Vector class inheriting from non-generic LineSegmentClass class

I am trying to write a Vector class that can represent Forces and Dimensions. This is usually not a problem because most people create a Magnitude property that returns a double. The doubles don't care what they represent, they represent forces or dimensions just fine. However, I use this open source library called the class class library to represent dimensions and forces.

Here's what I would like to do. Is there a way to return a property to a different type depending on T

(The same will happen in the constructor). Is it possible, and if so, how?

public class Vector<T> : LineSegment
    ForceUnit _magnitudeForce;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the magnitude of the vector (equals the length of the line segment parent if T is Dimension, if T is Force, return variable )
    /// </summary>
    public T Magnitude
        get {

            Type typeT = typeof(T);

            if (typeT == typeof(Dimension))
                return base.Length;
            else if (typeT == typeof(ForceUnit))
                return _magnitudeForce;



Or is there something tricky that I can do with the keyword dynamic

to achieve this?

Or should I make a bunch of interfaces like this to navigate to the Unit Library :

interface IDistance
    double Centimeters { get; }
    double Feet { get; }
    double Inches { get; }
    double Kilometers { get; }
    double Meters { get; }
    double Miles { get; }
    double Millimeters { get; }
    double Sixteenths { get; }
    double ThirtySeconds { get; }
    double Yards { get; }

interface IForceUnit
    double Kips { get; }
    double Newtons { get; }
    double Pounds { get; }


And then create a hybrid class that implements both values ​​to be used as Mass for the class.

I ran the Device Class Library , so any changes that need to be made there will be suggested. But keep in mind that the ability to intuition and convert library units is the value of the project I want to keep.


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4 answers

Why not just deduce from the vector and throw away the parent Magnitude, which is the size?

With something like this?

public class Load:Vector

    private ForceUnit _magnitude;

    public ForceUnit Magnitude
                return this._magnitude;          

    public PointLoad(ForceUnit magnitudeOfLoad, Vector directionVector)
        : base(...)
        _magnitude = magnitudeOfLoad;





You definitely don't want to do this type checking - what you better do is create an abstract base class or interface and then extract from it.

For example, if you are using an abstract class:

public abstract class Vector<T> : LineSegment
    public abstract T Magnitude { get; }

public class DimensionVector : Vector<Dimension>
    public override Dimension Magnitude { get { return base.Length; } }

public class ForceUnitVector : Vector<ForceUnit>
    ForceUnit magnitudeForce;

    public override ForceVector Magnitude { get { return this.magnitudeForce; } }




Let me suggest an alternative library of units. This will keep you from dealing with generics and can work with derived units. Here's an example:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Vector A=new Vector(Unit.Foot, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0);
        Vector B=A.ConvertTo(Unit.Inch);
        Vector C=B*B; // Convert to square inches, compatible with SI units of m^2

        Debug.WriteLine(A.ToString());  // [0.3,0.5,0.7,1]
        Debug.WriteLine(B.ToString());  // [3.6,6,8.4,12]
        Debug.WriteLine(C.ToString());  // [12.96,36,70.56,144]

        Vector F=new Vector(Unit.PoundForce, 100.0, 130.0, 150.0, 180.0);

        Vector K=F/B;   // Stiffness is force per distance, compatible with SI units of kg/m^2
        Vector P=F/C;   // Pressure is force per area, compatible with SI units kg/(m*s^2)

        Debug.WriteLine(F.ToString());  // [100,130,150,180]
        Debug.WriteLine(K.ToString());  // [27.78,21.67,17.86,15]
        Debug.WriteLine(P.ToString());  // [7.716,3.611,2.126,1.25]

        var x=3*Unit.Foot.FactorTo(Unit.Inch);  // x=36 inches



Class Unit


public class Unit : IEquatable<Unit>
    readonly int M, L, T; // base unit powers. For example Area: (M=0, L=2, T=0)
    readonly double x; // base unit factor. For example 1 km = (1000)*m

    public Unit(int M, int L, int T, double factor)
    public Unit(Unit other)
    public int[] Dimension { get { return new int[] { M, L, T }; } }
    public double Factor { get { return x; } }
    public bool IsConvertibleTo(Unit other) { return M==other.M&&L==other.L&&T==other.T; }
    public double FactorTo(Unit target)
            return Factor/target.Factor;
        throw new ArgumentException("Incompatible units in target.");
    #region IEquatable Members

    /// <summary>
    /// Equality overrides from <see cref="System.Object"/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="obj">The object to compare this with</param>
    /// <returns>False if object is a different type, otherwise it calls <code>Equals(Unit)</code></returns>
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if(obj is Unit)
            return Equals((Unit)obj);
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Checks for equality among <see cref="Unit"/> classes
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="other">The other <see cref="Unit"/> to compare it to</param>
    /// <returns>True if equal</returns>
    public bool Equals(Unit other)
        return M==other.M

    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the hash code for the <see cref="Unit"/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The int hash value</returns>
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return (((17*23+M.GetHashCode())*23+L.GetHashCode())*23+T.GetHashCode())*23+x.GetHashCode();

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("{0}(M:{1},L:{2},T:{3})", Factor, M, L, T);
    public static Unit operator*(double relative, Unit unit)
        return new Unit(unit.M, unit.L, unit.T, relative*unit.Factor);
    public static Unit operator/(Unit unit, double divisor)
        return new Unit(unit.M, unit.L, unit.T, unit.Factor/divisor);

    public static Unit operator*(Unit unit, Unit other)
        return new Unit(
    public static Unit operator/(Unit unit, Unit other)
        return new Unit(

    public static Unit operator^(Unit unit, int power)
        return new Unit(
            Math.Pow(unit.Factor, power));

    public static readonly Unit Meter=new Unit(0, 1, 0, 1.0);
    public static readonly Unit Millimeter=0.001*Meter;
    public static readonly Unit Inch=25.4*Millimeter;
    public static readonly Unit Foot=12*Inch;
    public static readonly Unit Yard=3*Foot;

    public static readonly Unit Second=new Unit(0, 0, 1, 1.0);
    public static readonly Unit Minute=60*Second;
    public static readonly Unit Hour=60*Minute;

    public static readonly Unit Kilogram=new Unit(1, 0, 0, 1.0);
    public static readonly Unit PoundMass=0.453592*Kilogram;
    public static readonly Unit Newton=Kilogram*(Meter/(Second^2));
    public static readonly Unit PoundForce=4.44822162*Newton;


which will be used in the class Vector

public class Vector 

    public Vector(Unit unit, int size)
        this.Elements=new double[size];
    public Vector(Unit unit, params double[] values)

    public Unit Unit { get; private set; }
    public double[] Elements { get; private set; }

    public double this[int index] { get { return Elements[index]; } }
    public int Count { get { return Elements.Length; } }

    public Vector ConvertTo(Unit target)
        double factor=Unit.FactorTo(target);
        double[] values=Array.ConvertAll(Elements, (x) => factor*x);
        return new Vector(target, values);

    public override string ToString()
        string[] items=Array.ConvertAll(Elements, (x) => x.ToString());

        return string.Format("[{0}] in {1}", string.Join(",", items), Unit.ToString());

    public static Vector operator+(Vector x, Vector y)

            double[] result=new double[x.Count];
            for(int i=0; i<result.Length; i++)
            return new Vector(y.Unit, result);
        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Vectors must have the same number of elements.");
    public static Vector operator-(Vector x, Vector y)

            double[] result=new double[x.Count];
            for(int i=0; i<result.Length; i++)
            return new Vector(y.Unit, result);
        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Vectors must have the same number of elements.");
    public static Vector operator*(double x, Vector y)
        double[] result=new double[y.Count];
        for(int i=0; i<result.Length; i++)
        return new Vector(y.Unit, result);
    public static Vector operator*(Vector x, Vector y)
            double[] result=new double[x.Count];
            for(int i=0; i<result.Length; i++)
            return new Vector(x.Unit* y.Unit, result);
        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Vectors must have the same number of elements.");
    public static Vector operator/(Vector x, Vector y)
            double[] result=new double[x.Count];
            for(int i=0; i<result.Length; i++)
            return new Vector(x.Unit/y.Unit, result);
        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Vectors must have the same number of elements.");




You can return an object or dynamics and throw it.

However, I advise you not to do this, even because it doesn't make sense. I advise you to reconsider your logic.

public object Magnitude
        get {

            Type typeT = typeof(T);

            if (typeT == typeof(Dimension))
                return base.Length;
            else if (typeT == typeof(ForceUnit))
                return _magnitudeForce;





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