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AngularJS - Getting next marriage spot in ng-repeat

Given this very simplistic markup:

<div ng-repeat="item in items" item>


And the directive:

app.directive('item', function()
    return function(scope, element, attrs)



Say to click event, I want to get the next area and do something. I can either use scope.$$nextSibling()



Is there an advantage / disadvantage of using either? Or is there a better way to get the next Brother Orb?


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2 answers

you should do it in scope, call $ rootScope. $ broadcast ('SOME_CHANGE_IN_SCOPE', ...); in the sibling scope, call $ scope. $ on ('SOME_CHANGE_IN_SCOPE', ...) you can of course wrap the data in an event, check the angularjs file for more details



Not sure what you are trying to do, but you should never use angular variables starting with $$

. They are for internal implementation and do not guarantee that they will remain from release to release.



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