Ember-cli implements a custom serializer

In an Ember-cli project with Rails 4 support - I need to be able to save (and eventually read) nested data. The data model is straightforward ...

  name: string

  survey_id: integer
  question_type_id: integer
  text: string

  question_id: integer
  text: string

A Survey hasMany Questions.  Each Question hasMany Answers


I am trying to figure out how to write a custom Survey serializer. Based on my research, I know that I need to extend DS.JSONSerializer, but I'm not sure what to do next. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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1 answer

Ember-cli comes with a generator to run serializers. You can start it with

$ ember g serializer Survey


which produces:

version: 0.0.40
  create app/serializers/survey.js
  create tests/unit/serializers/survey-test.js


Out of the box, the serializer will look like this:

import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({


Now you can customize it based on your needs. Since you haven't specified what type of customization you want to do, you can read the documentation . In particular, you can check the section on customization .



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