"Missing certificates" when adding an iOS provisioning profile for parsing alerts

I am following this tutorial to set up push notifications for my iOS app using Parse. When I get to Part 2, which involves creating a new Provisioning Profile, I go to Step 6 and see this:

enter image description here

When I look at my certificates, I see that there is actually:

enter image description here

I've tried following other stackoverflow posts that address this issue and it doesn't seem to fix my problem, perhaps because the layout for the Appe dev website seems to have changed a bit. Why can't I create a provisioning profile to set up parsing alerts?


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1 answer

The generated certificate is meant to be uploaded to the Parse website in the settings section of your application. You need to create a separate certificate to navigate to the provisioning profile. Create a new certificate and select either iOS App Development or App Store certificate, whichever stage you are in. In this case, I assume development. You do not need to attach a Push certificate to your provisioning profile.



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