R-language Functions within lists

G'Day, I'm new to R and I have GOOGLED, read books and play a lot, but I can't figure out if what I'm doing is working. It compiles (no translator) and can be called (again no spit), it just doesn't want to do anything.


I read that lists in R are OBJECTS of other languages. So for the Saturday and Sunday play, I was trying to get this to work.

GLOBAL <- list( counter = 1,
                locked = FALSE,
                important_value = 42,
                copy_of_important_value = 42,
                lock = function() { GLOBAL$locked = TRUE },
                unlock = function() { GLOBAL$locked = FALSE },
                is_locked = function() { return(GLOBAL$locked )},
                visit = function() { GLOBAL$counter <- GLOBAL$counter + 1 })

> GLOBAL$locked


It works...

> GLOBAL$locked <- TRUE
> GLOBAL$locked
[1] TRUE


Is not

> GLOBAL$unlock()
> GLOBAL$locked
[1] TRUE


Does R have the value $ this or $ self construct? None of this is error-prone. He just doesn't seem to want to do anything! (functions). I suppose I could set up the function as a routing access table, but I thought the encapsulation would be great.

Second question. I have been told several times that R MUST keep all data in memory and that is a limitation. Does this enable swp on * NIX systems? I mean if you had a humungus matrix could you just add some kind of swap to make it fit?

Sorry for the dumb newbies


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4 answers

This can be done using proto-objects:

library(proto) # home page at http://r-proto.googlecode.com

GLOBAL <- proto( counter = 1,
                 locked = FALSE,
                 important_value = 42,
                 copy_of_important_value = 42,
                 lock = function(.) { .$locked = TRUE },
                 unlock = function(.) { .$locked = FALSE },
                 is_locked = function(.) { return(.$locked )},
                 visit = function(.) { .$counter <- .$counter + 1 })

GLOBAL$locked <- TRUE




The S3 way to do.

GLOBAL <- list(counter=1, locked=FALSE,
    important_value=42, copy_of_important_value=42)

class(GLOBAL) <- "foo"

lock <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("lock")
lock.foo <- function(x)
    x$locked <- TRUE

unlock <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("unlock")
unlock.foo <- function(x)
    x$locked <- FALSE

is_locked <- function(x) x$locked

visit <- function(x)
    x$counter <- x$counter + 1

GLOBAL <- lock(GLOBAL)   # locked is now TRUE
GLOBAL <- unlock(GLOBAL) # locked is now FALSE




There's also a shell method

getGlobal <- function() {
    counter <- 1
    locked <- FALSE
    important_value <- 42
        is_locked = function() locked,
        lock = function() locked<<-TRUE,
        unlock = function() locked<<-FALSE,
        visit = function() {counter <<- counter + 1 }


And then you will use

GLOBAL <- getGlobal()

# [1] FALSE
# [1] TRUE


This way, the state is stored in the application and getGlobal

returns a list of functions that you can use to access those variables that were not otherwise exposed.



Nothing happened because

  • R doesn't have any variables to jump to, because you have them, =

    doesn't mean the assignment happened internally list()

    . Thus, the only object in the global environment is GLOBAL

    . The way you are using it =

    right now is assigning names to the lists on the left, and they are subsequently accessed using the operator $


  • Your functions don't return a value as you write them. GLOBAL$locked()

    will not return a value if GLOBAL$locked <- FALSE

    is all you have inside the body of the calling function. So I put it in parentheses and return our wish values.

So we just need to assign locked

to the global environment first, then <<-

reassign it.

I have shortened your list a little. Here's a look:

> GLOBAL <- list(locked = assign("locked", FALSE, parent.frame()),
                 lock = function() { (GLOBAL$locked <<- TRUE) },
                 unlock = function() { (GLOBAL$locked <<- 'HELLO') },
                 is_locked = function() { return(NULL) })
> GLOBAL$locked
> GLOBAL$lock()
[1] TRUE
> GLOBAL$unlock()
[1] "HELLO"
> GLOBAL$is_locked()


Yes, the list has its own environment, separate from the global environment. An example of this is

> l <- list(x = 5, y = 10)
> within(l, {
      f <- function(x) 2 * x
[1] 5

[1] 10

function (x) 
2 * x
<environment: 0xb041278>


but we are currently in a global environment

> environment()
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>


It's funny that you have to ask this question, because yesterday I asked a question about the same thing . MrFlick gave a very good explanation on this matter.



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