How do I pass a link to the distribution home directory using a Gradle app plugin?

I am using the Gradle app plugin and I want to create a distro containing a conf directory inside the app home folder. This directory should contain multiple configuration files. like java.util.logging etc. To point the JUL to my config file, I have to pass in a jvm property -Djava.util.logging.config=...

, and here I need a reference to the application's installation directory. The scripts seem to set this path in the APP_HOME variable . But there is a problem: I cannot pass the defaultJvmOpts property something like $APP_HOME

, since there are two types of scripts (win and nix) and furthermore, the dollar sign is unconditionally escaped.

So, is there a way to pass a reference to the application's home directory as an argument to the virtual machine?


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1 answer

Luke Daly posted an answer to a question on the Gradle forum: :

You will need to increase the startup scripts.

Here's an example of this here:

Thanks for his help.

So, I added the following code to the end of mine build.gradle


CreateStartScripts startScripts = project.startScripts
startScripts.with {
    doLast {
        unixScript.text = unixScript.text.replaceFirst('(?<=DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=)((\'|\")(.*)(\'|"))(?=\n)',
                '\'$3 "-Dtcproxy.config.url=file:\\$APP_HOME/conf/"\'')
        windowsScript.text = windowsScript.text.replaceFirst('(?<=DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=)(.*)(?=\r\n)',
                '$1 "-Dtcproxy.config.url=file:%~dp0../conf/"')


And it works! Hopefully later, this functionality will be added to the plugin.



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