Change directory from string

Here's the problem. I have a bash script that gets the path from a PHP script. But it cannot change the directory to the returned path;

function go_to_path
  path=$(php myscript)
  echo $path; # is totally okay, printing expected value 
  cd $path; # err -> no such file or directory. Directory is obviously exists


that stuff doesn't work either

eval cd $path
echo $(cd $path)
cd "$path"


I am running bash through cygwin on windows


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2 answers

Oh my. Therefore, I think I did not formulate my question correctly. The path value is taken from a dynamic algorithm. Which only returns the echo value. The solution was easy, instead of echoing the value, I have to get out of it. I mean the exit of the script with the path value.



This worked fine for me:

function go_to_path
    echo $path
    cd $path


It will not work if "path" contains "~" (for example, in this example:) path="~/scripts"

, because the shell interpreter interprets the character and is not part of the directory name.

It will also fail if the "path" is in a directory that is not the directory from which you are running this script. (In other words, if "php myscript" returns a relative path, make sure the relativity applies to the location from which your bash script is being executed).



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