Splitting Rows in SSRS Report

I have the string "02Years02Months". In SSRS report I need to show a line like

"02 years 02 months". Is there a good technique in SSRS report expression.

Please advice, thanks


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2 answers

I found a solution, Here is the answer

=Left(Fields!Value, 2) & " " & Mid(Fields!Value, 3, 5) & " " & Mid(Fields!Value, 8, 2) & " " & Right(Fields!Value,  6)


thanks for the support



= Left (Fields! String.Value, 2) and "and Mid (Fields! String.Value, 3, 7) and" "and Right (Fields! String.Value, 6)

Assuming your numbers will always be filled with zeros like in the example above, and assuming you replace Fields! String.Value to the field containing the string returned in your report.



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