Unmarshaling JSON to UUID type

I am trying to use the json.Unmarshaler interface to unbind the UUID in a uuid.UUID field in a structure. I created a custom type myUUID and everything works until I try to access the methods that are usually found on uuid.UUID. How can I handle this? I'm relatively new to Go, so maybe I don't quite understand custom types yet.

package main

import (


var jsonstring = `
    "uuid": "273b62ad-a99d-48be-8d80-ccc55ef688b4"

type myUUID uuid.UUID

type Data struct {
    uuid myUUID

func (u *myUUID) UnmarshalJson(b []byte) error {
    id := uuid.Parse(string(b[:]))
    if id == nil {
            return errors.New("Could not parse UUID")
    *u = myUUID(id)
    return nil

func main() {
    d := new(Data)
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonstring), &d)
    if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("%s", err)



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2 answers

Go to custom types do not inherit methods . I refactored the code with a custom framework and included UnmarshalJSON.

type ServiceID struct {
    UUID uuid.UUID

type Meta struct {
    Name    string `json:"name"`
    Version string `json:"version"`
    SID     *ServiceID `json:"UUID"`

func (self *ServiceID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    s := strings.Trim(string(b), "\"")
    self.UUID = uuid.Parse(s)
    if self.UUID == nil {
            return errors.New("Could not parse UUID")
    return nil




You might want to make sure your variable myuuid

is visible / exported to Data struct

: as in "public".
Same for type alias myuuid

(instead of myuuid


type MyUUID uuid.UUID

type Data struct {
    Uuid MyUUID


From JSON and Go :

The json package only accesses the exported fields of struct types (those that start with an uppercase letter).

As Ainar G commented , also recommends:

Words in names that are initialisms or abbreviations (such as " URL

" or " NATO

") have a consistent case.
For example, " URL

" should appear as " URL

" or " URL

" (as in " urlPony

", or " urlPony

"), never as " URL

". Here's an example: ServeHTTP

not ServeHTTP


This rule also applies to " ID

" when it is not sufficient for an "identifier", so write " appID

" instead of " appID


In your case, this would mean:

type Data struct {




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