How do I pass the -e variable to gnuplot?

I want to define the output of gnuplot which is a png file. How to determine filename in gnuplot.

    #This lines and also Traffic$j are define on my bash file.
    # Traffic$j is the name of file and that is valid. Traffic$j is on the loop
    # j is loop index



I am trying this:

gnuplot -e "filename=${!fileName}" plotFile


But I am going with this error:

line 0: constant expression required

I'm trying ruah's idea:

gnuplot -e "filename = '${!fileName}'" plotFile


But I am warning this warning:

"plotFile", line 12: warning: skip data file without valid points

line 12? check out my last line script.

How do I pass a variable to -e to gnuplot?

Update: My plotFile:

set terminal png size 720,450 enhanced font "H,11"
set output filename . '.png'

plot '../_numXY' using 2:3:(sprintf('%d', $1)) with labels offset 0,1 point pointtype 7 ps 2 lc rgb "green" notitle, \
filename using 1:2:($3-$1):($4-$2) with vectors linewidth 6 lc rgb "blue" notitle #line 12



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2 answers

The problem is not so much how to pass the variable, but how to quote the string. If, for example, $j

there is 3

, and $Traffic3

- file.txt

, then what you go to -e

is equal filename=file.txt

to when you need to pass something like filename = "file.txt"

or filename = 'file.txt'

. So:

gnuplot -e "filename = '${!fileName}'" plotFile


Edited to add: In a comment, you write:

thanks, $ Traffic3 is not file.txt. or better to say that I don't have $ Traffic3, but I have Traffic3. Traffic3 is not a parameter. This is the name of the file itself and is not related to other thing like file.txt

This means that you don't have to write ${!fileName}

, but rather $fileName

. The notation ${!fileName}

means something like, "OK, so the value $fileName

is the name of another variable. Give me the value of that variable." So you just want:

gnuplot -e "filename = '$fileName'" plotFile




You probably didn't want to use indirect variable expansion?

gnuplot -e "filename=${fileName}" plotFile




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