App id not associated with package when logging into google play?

As the title says, I am facing this problem. The documentation says to do this:

<meta-data android:name=""
android:value="@string/app_id" />


I did and my app_id is 12 digits. Other people getting this similar error had more than 12 digits in their app_id s. But mine is 12. However, it doesn't work, I cannot login. The error also talks about validating your manifest. I have checked and it is the same as above. Why is the App ID I got from Google Play Console not associated with my package name? Do I need to do something with the sha1 key? (I'm in alpha test now)



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4 answers

I also got this error and fixed it by adding one of my tester accounts to the list of Google Play testers for this app.

The account I had on the tablet was not included in the list of allowed tester accounts in the Google Play Console.

Once I did that, I was able to get in touch with no problem.

For reference, my app_id entry looks like this: -





You seem to have an extra .appstate

in android:name

for APP_ID

. Mine looks like this:

<meta-data android:name=""
                android:value="@string/gplus_id" />


Also, make sure you don't have another name string APP_ID

or it might get confused. That's why I named mine gplus_id




I had the same problem and I fixed it by removing

    <meta-data android:name=""


from AndroidManifest.xml.



should you also check if the gmail user id is added to testing or not? if not, add it to the Play ConsoleGame ServiceTests



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