Three.js r68 - Unable to get geometry centroids using OBJMTLLoader

I have been using the old version of Three.js for quite some time, so I decided to upgrade to the latest version (r68). I knew I was going to run into some problems, but I didn't expect to remove the geometry.computeCentroids () and .centroid properties.

I am loading models using OBJMTLLoader library. The problem is that since it no longer has a .computeCentroids () method, I have no way to get them. I tried to calculate them using other methods but to no avail:

I've also tried using the .localToWorld (point) methods, but they don't work either. It always returns (0,0,0).

So far, when I click on a grid, I calculate (or try to calculate) its centroid with:

 if (mesh.centroid === undefined) {
    mesh.centroid = new THREE.Vector3();
    mesh.centroid =;
    console.log(mesh.centroid); }


I also use this when I add a new object to the scene (which has child meshes):

//desperate try to find different values for centroids


What's even weirder is that the centroids I'm trying to calculate are incompatible. It always shows the exact same vectors in console.log (), no matter what order I click on the cells.

THREE.Vector3 {x: 158.89799999999997, y: -4.115949999999998, z: 67.75310000000002, constructor: function, set: function…}
THREE.Vector3 {x: 0.000005004882780212938, y: 0.16375010757446518, z: 0.0000024658203301441972, constructor: function, set: function…}
THREE.Vector3 {x: -1.7053025658242404e-13, y: -0.0818749484539012, z: 1.1368683772161603e-13, constructor: function, set: function…}


I was wondering if anyone has a similar problem. I have not tried previous versions of three.js as I really want to upgrade to the latest version and keep it consistent.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Forgot to mention an important detail. I want the centroid to be at WORLD coordinates.

After using the mrdoob method, I was able to get the centroid. I always get the same value for each mesh because even though I use .calculateBoundingBoxes () for each mesh, these constraints are relative to the main parent. Each geometry has all the assigned vertices of the objects, and I am assuming that the bounding boxes are calculated according to those vertices, and therefore I get the same values ​​for each geometry.


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1 answer

If you want to calculate the center of gravity of all geometry, this is the code you need:


var centroid = new THREE.Vector3();
centroid.addVectors( geometry.boundingBox.min, geometry.boundingBox.max );
centroid.multiplyScalar( - 0.5 );

centroid.applyMatrix4( mesh.matrixWorld );




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