Terminate each number in Python pandas dataframe by 2 decimal places

This works p_table.apply(pd.Series.round)

but has no decimal places

The documentation says

import pandas as pd

Series.round(decimals=0, out=None)


I tried this p_table.apply(pd.Series.round(2))

, but I get this error:

unbound method round() must be called with Series instance as first argument (got int instance instead)


How do I concatenate all the elements in a dataframe with two decimal places?

[EDIT] Figured it out.

import numpy as np
np.round(p_table, decimals=2)



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5 answers

import numpy as np
np.round(p_table, decimals=2)




From 0.17.0

version 0.17.0

you can do .round(n)

      0     1     2     3
0  0.06  0.67  0.77  0.71
1  0.80  0.56  0.97  0.15
2  0.03  0.59  0.11  0.95
3  0.33  0.19  0.46  0.92

          0         1         2         3
0  0.057116  0.669422  0.767117  0.708115
1  0.796867  0.557761  0.965837  0.147157
2  0.029647  0.593893  0.114066  0.950810
3  0.325707  0.193619  0.457812  0.920403




what: data.apply(lambda x: np.round(x, decimals=2))

--- timeit.timer for 100x: 0.00356676544494

- this is the same, but slower: np.round(data,decimals=2)

--- timeit.timer for 100x: 0.000921095

for example both give:

                    x     y     z
Input Sequence                   
1                5.60  0.85 -6.50
2                5.17  0.72 -6.50
3                5.60  0.89 -6.28
4                5.17  0.76 -6.29


for data:

                      x       y       z
Input Sequence                         
1                5.6000  0.8519 -6.5000
2                5.1730  0.7151 -6.5000
3                5.6000  0.8919 -6.2794
4                5.1724  0.7551 -6.2888
5                5.6000  0.9316 -6.0587




        A       B    C
0       t       8    10.958904
1       w       2    98.630137


For rounding column C, you can use this:

df['c']=df['c'].apply(lambda x:round(x,2))


The output will be:

        A       B    C
0       t       8    10.96
1       w       2    98.63




Below is an example of a reproducible possible way to do this using the round pandas function .

# importing pandas as pd 
import pandas as pd 

# generate sample  dataframe  
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random([5, 4]), columns =["A", "B", "C"]) 

# use pandas dataframe.round()function to round off all the decimal values to 2 decimal


# If you want to customize the round off by individual columns 
df.round({"A":1, "B":2, "C":3}) 




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