Rails link_to new with parameters not preserving parameters

So, I have two objects, Floor, which have _Many FloorMonsters, and FloorMonster, which are owned by floors.

I have link_to new_floor_monster_path in the show page on Floor, and I intend to pass the Floor id as a parameter. Link_to currently looks like this:

= link_to "Add a Monster to this Floor", new_floor_monster_path(floor_id: @floor.id)


In the FloorMonster controller, the new method is:

def new
  @floor_monster = FloorMonster.new(floor_id: params[:floor_id])

  respond_to do |format|
    format.html # new.html.erb
    format.json { render json: @floor_monster }


When I click on the link, the url shows the parameters:



But when I save, floor_id is zero and the program crashes. What am I missing here? I have tracked sources that do exactly what I did, but I am not getting any success. The accepted answer here and this blog post do exactly what I'm doing as far as I can tell, but managed to get it to work.


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1 answer

I am assuming that you are expanding the new FloorMonster on the form to allow other attributes to be set and then save it. To pass the attribute floor_id

along with the create action, you will need to add a field to it for your form. If you don't want to be seen or edited, use hidden_field

. In your form add:

= f.hidden_field :floor_id




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