Loop Through Sentences in Eclipse Content Assist

Is there a way to change which sentence in the content helper is selected (other than using the arrow keys or the mouse)? For example, I would like to use tabs and shift-tab to cycle through a list of suggestions.


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1 answer

If you are assigning specific types of advertising content to a specific keybind,

("Window"> "Preferences"> "General"> "Keys": enter "Content Assist")

such as

Content Assist (Template Suggestions) to Alt + C,

then you can create a single block of sentences with this shortcut. It will not be possible to scroll through each type of offer by typing the standard " Content Assist " again .

After you close this offer, you can use the keys Line down and Line "to cycle through these options type of offer, things are not moving your finger on the arrow keys.

This seems to work well if you only use a few kinds of sentences.



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