Custom DART Items (Vanilla DART No Polymer)

I came across custom DART elements, from, here and.

If I understood correctly, this is a special vanilla DART element, not related to custom Polymer tags.

I wrote the code below,

class CustomElement extends HtmlElement {
factory CustomElement() => new Element.tag('x-custom');

     CustomElement.created() : super.created() {
     print('CustomElement created!');

void main() {
   document.registerElement('x-custom', CustomElement);


and got "CustomElement created!". printed to the console, which means the item has been created!

My question is what else? how can i use this customs element and what can i do with it, can i write an HTML template, if so how?

I read this but unfortunately couldn't do the same with DART.

any thoughts!


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2 answers

I wrote an ableto below which worked, feel like I made it a long way,

  • I could not use the tag
  • Not sure if the way I used the callback of the elements in custumElement is correct as I was forced to use .append for all elements and not sure if there is an easier way to do this.

my index.html file

    pick a color:<input type="color" name="colorname" id="colorname"> the color you  selected is: <output id="picked-color"></output> click it !

    <div id='my-element'></div>


my index.dart file:

import 'dart:html';

class CustomElement extends HtmlElement {

factory CustomElement() => new Element.tag('x-custom'); 
CustomElement.created() : super.created() {   }

Element launchElement(Element o1){  

o1.onClick.listen((e) => window.alert('the input color is: ${o1.text}'));
 print('CustomElement created!');

var output = new Element.html('<div></div>');
var statement = new Element.html('<div></div>');
var bind = new Element.html('<div></div>')
         ..text='this text will be dynamically replaced by what you are entering down';
var input = new InputElement()
           ..type ='text'
           ..placeholder='enter data here';

input.onInput.listen((e) => bind.text=input.value);

var element = new Element.html('<span>content: </span>')
var button = new ButtonElement() = 'awesome'
  ..onClick.listen((e) => pop(input.value))  // "Hi There!!!")
  ..text = 'Click Me man!''orange';

      statement.innerHtml="<b>I'm an x-custom-with-markup!</b> ";

      return (output);  

var button1 = new ButtonElement()
   = 'awesome2'
          ..text = 'External Click Me man!';

void pop(i){ window.alert("input is: $i");  }


void main() {
         document.registerElement('x-custom', CustomElement); 
         var xFoo = new Element.tag('x-custom');

         InputElement colorname = querySelector('#colorname');
         Element theColor = querySelector('#picked-color');
         xFoo = xFoo.launchElement(theColor);
         theColor.text = colorname.value;

         Element myDiv=querySelector('#my-element');   

         colorname.onInput.listen((Event e) {
         theColor.text = colorname.value;   




It is also used by Polymer. Polymer is just a combination of custom elements, HTML imports, templates, polymers, polyfills, and some builders to plug in these components and offer a good API. If you want to reinvent the wheel, you can only go with CustomElement.

Change the main object to

void main() {
   document.registerElement('x-custom', CustomElement);
   var elem = new Element.tag('x-element');
   elem.onClick.listen((e) {


and you can react to click events



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