Create a dynamic linq select query from an existing list

So I am trying to make dynamic reports that our users can save and link later. I figured I want to use linq for this and learn a little more about it. I feel like I have a good chunk of this figured out, but I'm stumped at the very end. Here's my code

protected void executeReport(CustomerCustomReports report)
    string fields = report.fields;
    ReportsDataContext db = new ReportsDataContext();
    string[]filters = fields.Split(';');

        var inventoryList = (from cust in db.Customers
                             join product in db.Products on cust.customerID equals product.customerID
                             join inventory in db.Inventories on product.itemID equals inventory.ItemId
                             join warehouse in db.Warehouses on inventory.WarehouseId equals warehouse.Id
                             where cust.customerID == customer.CustomerId
                             select new
                                 ItemID = product.itemID,
                                 ItemDescription = product.shortDesc,
                                 CustomsValue = product.unitPrice
                             }).OrderBy(k => k.ItemID);

ParameterExpression sourceItem = Expression.Parameter(inventoryList.ElementType, "x");

        Type resultType = typeof(linqResult);

        var dynamicFields = new List<MemberBinding>();
        foreach (string f in filters)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(f))
                dynamicFields.Add(Expression.Bind(resultType.GetMember(f)[0], Expression.Property(sourceItem, inventoryList.ElementType.GetProperty(f))));
        Expression selector = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(resultType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)), dynamicFields), sourceItem);

        var query = inventoryList.Provider.CreateQuery(
                    new Type[] { inventoryList.ElementType, resultType },
                Expression.Constant(inventoryList), selector));

        var listResult = new List<object>();
        var enumerator = query.GetEnumerator();
        while (enumerator.MoveNext())

        gvResults.DataSource = listResult;



With such a class

 public class linqResult
  public string ItemID {get; set;}
  public string ItemDescription {get; set;}
  public string CustomsValue {get; set;}


My goal is to have a complete list and then only display the properties the client wants.


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1 answer

  List<LinqResult> inventoryList = (from cust in db.Customers
                             join product in db.Products on cust.customerID equals product.customerID
                             join inventory in db.Inventories on product.itemID equals inventory.ItemId
                             join warehouse in db.Warehouses on inventory.WarehouseId equals warehouse.Id
                             where cust.customerID == customer.CustomerId
                             select cust).OrderBy(k => k.ItemID).ToList();


It works? I punched it here on the website, but the crazy one should just get your collection of lists directly from the request and Type will inject it into its LinqResult as it gets it. You may need to toss it into the ToList, but play with that, see what it does for you.



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