PHPMailer send base64 image

I am trying to send an image from MySQL database via PHPMailer.

I am currently pulling the image out of the database base64_decode

, and then replacing all the spaces with pluses to give:



Then I use PHPMailers AddStringAttachment


$mail->AddStringAttachment($base64image, "Something Something.png", "base64", "image/png")


This posts fine (there are other settings, but they are not relevant). However, as soon as I receive the email, it says the file is corrupted. Does anyone know the correct procedure for sending base64 images to PHPMailer?

Edit 1

I removed all my modifications to the image, and now I'm posting it straight from the database. It looks like:



It still gives an error when trying to open.


$base = base64_decode($row['image']);
$resource = base64_decode(str_replace(" ", "+", substr($base, strpos($base, ","))));
$mail->AddStringAttachement($resource, "Filename.png", "base64", "image/png");


It turns out I was only doing one decoder when I needed to do 2 to get binary data. Thanks to those who commented.


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1 answer

I had this problem now. Anyway, the solution is, if you check the PHPMailer source code , it clearly stated that the first parameter of the function accepts the binary data of the file.

This means that in order to send the image successfully, if you already have a base64_encoded representation of your file, you should simply render base64_decode

it without changing anything and then transfer it. It should work.

You don't need to replace strings from a long base64 encoded string. (Decode it without header texts of course data:image/png;base64,




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