Sprite Kit - OS X - Blinking Window on Resize

OS X 10.9.3, Xcode 5.1.1, MacBook 13 ", NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB

If the following is true in Xcode:

New -> Project -> OS X -> Sprite Kit Game


As a result, the application has a single NSWindow containing the SKView.

At startup, a window appears with a standard FPS counter and the ability to add Sprite Nodes (jet fighters) by clicking in the window.

Problem: Resizing the window by dragging to the edge of the window causes the contents of the window to be white. Blinking is variable and appears to depend on the edge of the window being dragged, with the top and left edges creating the worst blinking.

Question: Apart from filing the error, is there a way to fix this or work around it? Thanks for any help.


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