Infinite scrolling does not allow scrolling first result in angular js

I used infinite scrolling on the div which is below

<div ng-app='myApp' ng-controller='DemoController'>
  <div id="scroll" infinite-scroll='reddit.nextPage()' 
  infinite-scroll-disabled='reddit.stopscript'   infinite-scroll-distance='2'   
    style="height:500px;overflow-y:scroll; border:solid 1px black">             

  <div ng-repeat='item in reddit.items'>
<div ng-show='reddit.busy'>Loading data...</div>


and my controller code

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['infinite-scroll']);

 myApp.controller('DemoController', function ($scope, Reddit) {
$scope.reddit = new Reddit();

 // Reddit constructor function to encapsulate HTTP and pagination logic
    myApp.factory('Reddit', function ($http) {
   var Reddit = function () {
    this.items = [];
    this.busy = false;
    this.after = '';
    this.counter = 30;
    this.index = 0;
    this.stopscript = false;

Reddit.prototype.nextPage = function () {
    if (this.busy) return;
    this.busy = true;

    var url = "" +         this.counter + "&Offset=" + this.index + "&Search=&x-ResponseType=json&x-Password=944c8e5971db726e0a516f3c6fa2eb922c5a79bb732975421b7f2bf52acce51f";
    $http.get(url).success(function (data) {

        if (data.Results.length == 0) {

            this.stopscript = true;
        else {               
            this.items.push.apply(this.items, data.Results);
            this.index = this.index + this.counter;              
        this.busy = false;

return Reddit;



this works fine when my browser is minimized, but when my browser is maximized it shows the first thirty records, after which it doesn't hit that ajax call function again. i used infinite scroll-distance = '2' and even gave the height to my div, but still it doesn't show the scroll on the maximized webpage, hence doesn't work. Help help


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2 answers

You have to define infinite-scroll-container

, otherwise it will always check the distance to the bottom of the browser window.

Change your HTML to something like this:

<div id="scroll" infinite-scroll='reddit.nextPage()'
     style="height:500px;overflow-y:scroll; border:solid 1px black">


Where '#scroll'

is the id of the div containing the scrollable content.

Check out this plunker

Important Note: This feature is not included in the latest stable release (v1.0.0) and is only available in the latest development release (master).



A simple workaround might be to increase the amount of results you get from the AJAX call to make your browser scroll.



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