Stackoverflow with Hibernate using sql IN (id, id, id,

I am getting below error saying that a stack overflow has occurred. This is because a sql statement with IN (id, id, id ... id) has a ton of parameters. Is there anyway to fix this? This is happening in my local environment with Eclipse.


@Query(value="SELECT p FROM PendingCourseRegistration p WHERE p.sisId IN ?1 AND p.testId = ?2")
List<PendingCourseRegistration> findPendingCourseRegistrationInSisIdsAndTestId(List<String> sisIds, Long testID);



java.lang.StackOverflowError: null
    at java.lang.Abstract witingBuilder.append( ~[na:1.7.0_17]
    at java.lang.StringBuffer.append( ~[na:1.7.0_17]
    at antlr.BaseAST.toStringList( ~[antlr-2.7.7.jar:na]
    at antlr.BaseAST.toStringList( ~[antlr-2.7.7.jar:na]
    at antlr.BaseAST.toStringList( ~[antlr-2.7.7.jar:na]
    at antlr.BaseAST.toStringList( ~[antlr-2.7.7.jar:na]


Sleep request

2:26.763 [ocPifScheduler-1] DEBUG o.s.o.j.SharedEntityManagerCreator$SharedEntityManagerInvocationHandler - Creating new EntityManager for shared EntityManager invocation
09:52:26.788 [Scheduler-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl - parse() - HQL: SELECT p FROM com.test.PendingCourseRegistration p WHERE p.sisId IN (:x10_, :x11_, :x12_, :x13_, :x14_, :x15_, :x16_, :x17_, :x18_, :x19_, :x110_, :x111_, :x112_, :x113_, :x114_, :x115_, :x116_, :x117_, :x118_, :x119_, ...:xN) AND = ?2
09:52:26.891 [Scheduler-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl - --- HQL AST ---
 \-[QUERY] Node: 'query'
    |  +-[FROM] Node: 'FROM'
    |  |  \-[RANGE] Node: 'RANGE'
    |  |     +-[DOT] Node: '.'
    |  |     |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'
    |  |     |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'
    |  |     |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'
    |  |     |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'
    |  |     |  |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'
    |  |     |  |  |  |  |  |  +-[IDENT] Node: 'com'
    |  |     |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'model'
    |  |     |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'PendingCourseRegistration'
    |  |     \-[ALIAS] Node: 'p'
    |  \-[SELECT] Node: 'SELECT'
    |     \-[IDENT] Node: 'p'
    \-[WHERE] Node: 'WHERE'
       \-[AND] Node: 'AND'
          +-[IN] Node: 'in'
          |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'
          |  |  +-[IDENT] Node: 'p'
          |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'sisId'
          |  \-[IN_LIST] Node: 'inList'
          |     +-[COLON] Node: ':'
          |     |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'x10_'
          |     +-[COLON] Node: ':'
          |     |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'x11_'
          |     +-[COLON] Node: ':'
          |     |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'x12_'
          |     +-[COLON] Node: ':'
          |     |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'x13_'
          |     +-[COLON] Node: ':'
          |     |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'x14_'
          |     +-[COLON] Node: ':'
          |     |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'x15_'
          |     +-[COLON] Node: ':'
          |     |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'x16_'
          |     +-[COLON] Node: ':'
          |     |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'x17_'



source to share

2 answers

In our Grails project (2.3.6) with Hibernate 4.3.1.Final, we never had this error, but we ran into another error due to the request buffer size limitation :

Since you are using in (?, ..., ?)

, you write as much ?,

as you have items in your list, which means for a large list (says 50,000) you can write a query of 100,000 characters and you can have this exception (here with pgSQL drivers) :

Foobar.executeQuery("select f from Foobar f where in (:ids)", 
                 [ids: 1L..100000L]); // Groovy way of creating a list of 100000 items.


And the error:

SqlExceptionHelper:146 - An I/O error occured while sending to the backend. 
SqlExceptionHelper:146 - This connection has been closed.


That's why I think you might need

  • Either split your list of ids into a smaller list (like 500 items) and copy the result manually, which is more work than the standard spring data you are using.

  • Or, save the list of ids to a temporary table (which can be a painful task using JPA). The temporary table will be a tuple (key, sids). You have to generate a temporary key (for session), batch insert ids into this table with key, reset to hibernate change to database, use this table with subquery ( p.sidIds in (select sisIds from IdTable where key = ?1)

    ), delete data from this table. While painful, it can lead to increased productivity.



I could not replicate this using Hibernate 4.2.4 Can you provide the version of Hibernate you are using? Another thing I recommend is to try to put a breakpoint on "antlr.BaseAST.toStringList ()" when you execute your method and see the runtime variables and the method calling the antlr method and calls the loop

Hope it helps



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