Passing PHP Array to Oracle Stored Proc (PLS-00306: Wrong Number or Types of Arguments)

Using PHP 5.3.2 and Oracle 11G, I am trying to pass an array from PHP to oracle stored in proc. Here is my PL / SQL:

create or replace type NUM_ARRAY as table of number;

create or replace package txa as  

  procedure upsert_txa_compliance_slct( v_compl_id_array  in num_array);

end txa; 

create or replace package body txa as

    procedure upsert_txa_compliance_slct(v_compl_id_array  in num_array)
        . -- sql code removed for brevity.  package and body compile no errors
    end upsert_txa_compliance_slct;




  $sql = "begin txa.upsert_txa_compliance_slct(:my_array); end;";


And the PHP code I tried to bind to the array and executed:



$this->conn = ociplogon($dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
$this->commit_mode = OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS;
$this->sth = @ociparse($this->conn, $sql);


$r = @ociexecute($this->sth, $this->commit_mode);



Which generates this error:

PLS-00306: Incorrect number or types of arguments when calling 'UPSERT_TXA_COMPLIANCE_SLCT'

I am passing 1 argument clearly. So what's wrong with / how can I fix the type problem?

Also I found this

And tried it the old way using the oci collection:

 $collection = oci_new_collection($this->conn,"NUM_ARRAY");


After I changed my oracle type to this:

create or replace type NUM_ARRAY as varray(100) of number;


I got this error:

oci_new_collection (): ORA-22318: input type is not array type

Any help would be much appreciated.

EDIT 7:08 pm ET Aug 14, 2014

I changed my php function call oci_bind to use SQLT_NUM as the type. It had no effect. Then I modified my package to include:

type num_array is table of number index by binary_integer;


(I also removed the original num_array from my schema)

This change allowed my array to be passed to the stored process, but then I cannot use the array as a nested table, e.g .:

  from my_table
 where id not in (select column_value from table(v_compl_id_array));


I get this error when I try to compile the package body with this expression in it:

PL/SQL: ORA-22905: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item


And all the documentation tells me to go back to the schema level type? But when I do that, I get this other error. I know I can find another way to do this, using a loop over my pl / sql array, but I would really enjoy using this schema level type.


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1 answer

The answer is this. You cannot use a globally created or schema-level type as a parameter to a stored procedure. PHP's oci_bind_array_by_name just doesn't work with globally created types, but you need a globally created type to be able to use your array as a nested table in subqueries. So ... this is how I got it to work. I AM MORE HAPPY TO LISTEN TO OTHER SOLUTIONS! but now, here's what i did.

-- globally create a type table of number

create or replace type num_array is table of number;

-- in my package i created an internal type table of number

type i_num_array is table of number index by binary_integer;

-- i then used i_num_array (internal type) as the type for my IN parameter to the procedure

upsert_TXA_compliance_slct( v_compl_id_array  in i_num_array)

-- in my procedure i also created a variable that is the type of my globally created type

v_num_array num_array := num_array();

-- then i populated that variable in a loop inside my procedure with the values in my IN param

for i in 1 .. v_compl_id_array.count
  v_num_array(i) := v_compl_id_array(i);
end loop; 

-- then i used v_num_array as my nested table so this now works:

delete from my_table where id in (select * from table(v_num_array));




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