Using your own diagnostics on the command line

I am writing a command line program that is designed to open a solution and check documents for errors and warnings. I am using the following code:

private static async void testDocument(Document document)
    var syntaxTree = await document.GetSyntaxTreeAsync();
    var semanticModel = await document.GetSemanticModelAsync();

    var diagnostics = syntaxTree.GetDiagnostics().Concat(semanticModel.GetDiagnostics());
    foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics)


This works great, but I also want to output the warnings I found in the diagnostics I wrote. They are located in another project created with the Diagnostics and Code Fix template. How can I combine these two things?


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2 answers

On build, Workspace

call the overload that accepts HostServices

and pass your own host containing the default assebmlies as well as your own assemblies:

    ImmutableDictionary<string, string>.Empty,




One option is to use the Roslyn CSharp compiler from the command line. You can pass the switch /analyzer

using your own diagnostic DLL.



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