How to use complex locators when testing with Jasmine and Protractor

Can anyone provide me with an example of how I can use multiple locators when testing using Jasmine and Protractor?

Let's say I have 3 list items in LINKS view, and all of these LIST OF LISTS have the same attributes; However, they are each links with a unique name to navigate to the new "Angular State" ...

For example, all three links have the following in them:

<li> ng-repeat="bb" ng-class="{'active': dropdown.isActive}" class="ng-scope active"</li>

and then each of the links have their own names like:

<a ui-sref="search" class="ng-binding" href="#/Search"> Search </a>
<a ui-sref="home" class="ng-binding" href="#/Search"> Home </a> 
<a ui-sref="todo" class="ng-binding" href="#/Search"> ToDo </a>


The only thing that is unique to the three-page objects: ui-sref="search"

, ui-sref="home"


How can I use one common locator from the list items and a unique locator from the link item to ensure that I am interacting with the correct link every time?


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1 answer

I am using a custom locator to work with ui-sref


// Usage:
var searchLinkElm = element(by.uisref('search'));
var homeLinkElm = element(by.uisref('home'));
var todoLinkElm = element(by.uisref('todo'));

// Interaction
it('works', function() {

// within your onPrepare block
by.addLocator('uisref', function(toState, opt_parentElement) {
    var using = opt_parentElement || document;

    var prefixes = ['ui-sref'];
    for (var p = 0; p < prefixes.length; ++p) {
        var selector = '*[' + prefixes[p] + '="' + toState + '"]';
        var inputs = using.querySelectorAll(selector);
        if (inputs.length) {
            return inputs;




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