Is it possible to show all friends in the Facebook request dialog via the iOS SDK?

I am using Facebook iOS SDK v3.17.

I want to allow a user to invite multiple friends to my app without using the Invitable Friends API (I don't have a Canvas app). Wondering if you can actually see ALL of a user's friends in a selector with multiple friends.

My code ...

[FBWebDialogs presentRequestsDialogModallyWithSession:FBSession.activeSession
                                              message:@"Download dis app now, kiiiiiiiiiid!"
                                              handler:^(FBWebDialogResult result, NSURL *resultURL, NSError *error) {


I am not passing any parameters, and the documentation for the request dialogs says it is a parameter filter

(which I did not set) ...

This controls the set of friends who see if the multiple friends selector is shown. If left blank, the multiple friends selector will display all Facebook Facebook users.

This is not happening. It always only shows about 6 users and by default people who have already used the app. If I set filter

to @ "app_non_users" and pass in a parameter dictionary, it only selects 6 users (apparently random) who haven't used the app, not all of them.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

There is no mechanism in the API to accomplish what you ask. The user can always use the search box to add specific friends by name. All in all, we found that having more than 200 friends showing up in the list you need to scroll through is not a perfect user experience.



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