AngularStrap - calling modal from within a service?

I have a web application that uses AngularJS, Bootstrap 3 and AngularStrap. In this application, I have previously used the Bootstrap UI for Bootstrap directives, but I needed to switch to AngularStrap to have some additional functionality (like being able to provide a custom template for popovers). This migration changed the way the modal directive is applied, which is the subject of my question.

With Bootstrap UI, I had a security service that could implement a login modem when a user tried to access restricted content in an application using a controller defined in another module. Here's a rough paraphrase of my code to do this (most of it comes from the very useful seed project, angular-app ):

// Login form controller:

angular.module('LoginForm', []).controller('LoginFormController', ['$scope', 'security', function($scope, security) {

    /* $scope controller logic goes here. Things like login, cancel, clear, etc. */


// Security service:

angular.module('Security', ['ui.bootstrap','LoginForm']).factory('security', ['$modal', function($modal) {

    var loginDialog = null;
    function openLoginDialog() {
        loginDialog = ${
            templateUrl : 'security/login/form.tpl.html',
            controller : 'LoginFormController'

    return {
        showLogin : function() {



Now using AngularStrap I cannot figure out how to use the controller logic defined in the LoginForm LoginFormController module, because with AngularStrap there is no option controller

when initializing the modal. There is a parameter scope

, but I'm not sure how best to use this parameter in this situation. I think the modal initialization would be like this:

// AngularStrap version of $modal:

loginDialog = $modal({
    template : 'security/login/form.tpl.html',
    scope : /* LoginFormController scope somehow injected here */


For reference, here are the docs for Bootstrap UI:

and for AngularStrap:

Is it possible to do this, or is it possible to call $ modal as a directive in a template using AngularStrap?


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1 answer

I found that using the standard ng-controller syntax works like a charm here.

Instead of setting the controller inside the code, use the attribute in the root code of the template:

<div class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" ng-controller="MyCustomModalController as ctrl">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="ctrl.ok()" >OK</button>


The only trick is communicating with the original controller. Bootstrap UI used a really nice callback that doesn't work with angular -strap. The solution uses a shared service, which is detailed here: Can one controller call another?



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