Using angular foreach loop to modify JSON

I have ng-repeat that returns arrays of objects like the following:



I would like to pull out the objects and insert them into another array so that they are formatted like this:



The goal is to use orderBy on an array. Is it possible to restructure JSON to this format and then access the data?

Here is my view for reference:

<div class="calDynamic" data-ng-repeat="n in [] | range:100">
<div ng-repeat="cal in calendar[n].year | filterKey:month">



My JSON format:

"_id" : ObjectId("53f252537d343a9ad862866c"),
"year" : {
    "December" : [],
    "November" : [],
    "October" : [],
    "September" : [],
    "August" : [],
    "July" : [ 
            "day" : "21",
            "title" : "u",
            "summary" : "u",
            "description" : "ok",
            "_id" : ObjectId("53f252537d343a9ad862866d")
    "June" : [],
    "May" : [],
    "April" : [],
    "March" : [],
    "February" : [],
    "January" : []
"__v" : 0
    "_id" : ObjectId("53f252537d343a9ad862866c"),
    "year" : {
        "December" : [],
        "November" : [],
        "October" : [],
        "September" : [],
        "August" : [],
        "July" : [ 
                "day" : "3",
                "title" : "u",
                "summary" : "u",
                "description" : "ok",
                "_id" : ObjectId("53f252537d343a9ad862866d")
        "June" : [],
        "May" : [],
        "April" : [],
        "March" : [],
        "February" : [],
        "January" : []
    "__v" : 0



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2 answers

Just working through your comment to answer: -

You can do this to concatenate the arrays scattered across different months to 1 array.

//obj has the the array result that is the input
var temp = [];
var result = temp.concat.apply(temp,{ //Get each object in the source array that hold the year.
  return temp.concat.apply(temp, Object.keys(itm.year).map(function(key){ //Get Month for each yeah and flatten it out
       return itm.year[key]; //Get day array for each of the month in each year



==> Gives you months in a property Year

for an array

==> You loop through an array of months and return a 2D array of days from all months. [].concat

==> returns an array of concatenated arrays. This can result in a lot of arrays, which is why we use function.apply

2D to 1D conversion.


Another simple and effective way is always looping and adding.



Array.prototype.concat allows you to combine two arrays into one. However, this is just javascript and has nothing to do with Angular, the way to do it:

var a =  [{"day":"10","title":"day","summary":"summary","description":"ok","_id":"53f25185bffedb83d8348b22"}];
var b = [{"day":"3","title":"day","summary":"summary","description":"ok","_id":"53f25185bffedb83d8348b22"}];

var c = a.concat(b); // returns the concatenated array.




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