How do I match spaces that are not a multiple of 4?

I have reformatted the Python script using notepad ++, but some lines do not indent 4 (or 8, 12, 16, etc.) spaces.

So I need to match consecutive leading white spaces (i.e. indentation at the start of each line) that are NOT in multiple of 4 , i.e. spaces in the number 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, etc.


>>>   a = 1      # match this, as there're 3 spaces at the beginning
>>>       b = a  # match this too, as indent by 7 spaces
>>>    c = 2     # but not this, since it indented exactly by 4 spaces
>>>        d = c # not this either, since indented by 8 spaces


I was able to match whitespace in multiple of the four using something like:

^( {16}| {12}| {8}| {4})


then I tried to match this with something like:

^[^( {16}| {12}| {8}| {4})]


but it only matches an empty string or the beginning of a string with a character, not what I want.

I'm a complete newbie to regex but I've been looking for hours with no luck. I know I could always match all of the listed numbers other than 4, but I was hoping someone could help and provide a less cumbersome method.


Update 1

using regex (@ user2864740)



or (@alpha bravo)



matches not several of 4 indents, as well as an empty line with 4 (8, 16, etc.) spaces and the first character of the first non-empty line following them.

for example (at

How can you avoid matching these situations described in the example above?


source to share

3 answers

A character class can only contain a set of characters and is therefore [^..]

not suitable for general negation. The regex is the [^( {16}| {12}| {8}| {4})]

equivalent [^( {16}|284]

that matches every character not specified.

Now, to match non-multiples of 4 spaces, this is the same as searching for spaces n mod 4 = {1, 2, 3}

(or nothing else n mod 4 = 0

). This can be done with a template such as:




(?:\s{4})*  - match any number of whole groups of 4 spaces and then ..
\s{1,3}     - match any count of 1, 2, or 3 spaces such that ..
\S          - they are not followed by a space


The regex may need an endpoint-all ( .*

) or a leading anchor-string ( ^

), depending on how it is used.



I could suggest a python script that will tell you which lines are indented incorrectly:

with open('path/to/code/file') as infile:
    for i,line in enumerate(infile,1):
        total = len(line)
        whitespace = total-len(line.lstrip(' '))
        if whitespace%4:
            print("Inconsistent indenting on line", i)




you can use this template ^(?!(\s{4})+\S)(.*)




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