How can I replace JSON.stringify variable with K and A variable with my own variable

I want my polygon points to hit the database via ajax. So I used this like

function StorePolygon(id, poly_points) {
   var html;
   // The values of id=1001 and poly_points=((47.53208121578362, 7.705052197034092),
   //   (47.53188401121172, 7.704971730763646),(47.53189169452062, 7.705076336915226))
     url: url_prefix + "SetPolygonInfo",
     data: ({
        'id': id,
        'polypoints': JSON.stringify(poly_points),
        'as_json': 1
    async: false,
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(result) {

        html = result.html;

     error: function(data, status, e) {
 return html;


JSON.stringify (poly_points) produces like this,



I want to use my own variable instead of K and A. Can anyone help?


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2 answers

I just don't want to depend on JSON.stringify (poly_points) variables to be stored in the DB. So i liked it

function StorePolygon(id, poly_points) {
var html;
var olist = []
var obj = {}
JSON.stringify( {
    obj = {
        'x': point.k,
        'y': point.B


for(var i=0;i<poly_points.length;i++){
var xy = poly_points[i];
obj = {
        'y': xy.lng()
    url: url_prefix + "SetPolygonInfo",
    data: ({
        'id': id,
        'poly_points': JSON.stringify(olist),
        'as_json': 1
    async: false,
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(result) {

        html = result.html;

    error: function(data, status, e) {
return html;



It worked great. JSON.stringify (poly_points) sometimes gives k and A



but several times he gives



So I don't want the object / return list to depend on variables.



You can use a map to create a new array of objects that have the keys you want to use and instead of JSON.stringify this array:

JSON.stringify( (point){
  return {
    custom_key_for_k : point.k,
    custum_key_for_A : point.A
}) )


You need to shim map support up to Internet Explorer 9 or use an equivalent function from any JavaScript library that includes it.



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