What is the package name in the RemoteViews constructor?

From the constructor documentationRemoteViews


public RemoteViews (String packageName, int layoutId)


The documentation states that packageName

- "The name of the package containing the layout resource".

  • Why is this needed?
  • Wouldn't say layoutId

    everything you need to know about the location of the layout resource?
  • What would you call the package name?
  • Wasn't there always res-> layout?

source to share

2 answers

If you have multiple widgets and apps and you signed them all with the same key (signing apps with the same key allows them to access each other.), Then you may have access to them too, which does not have the same package name.



Since Sirlate answered “Why is this necessary?” I will try to answer the rest of the questions.

Does layoutId

n't it tell you everything you need to know about the location of the layout resource?

No, layoutId

like the ID of other resources, it is just a number. When you refer to it via R.layout.some_layout

, it actually refers to the identifier itself as a number.

Wasn't there always res-> layout?

Actually, no! You can put any resources in any folder (as long as inside /res

), even if it's a layout resource. /res/layout/

is just a handy folder as Android already identifies it first. At the end of the day, Android will simply refer to resources as an identification number.

What would you call the package name?

The package name of the app you want to use in the layout as specified by Sirlate.

Why is this needed?

In addition to Sirlate's answer, if you only have a resource ID, the OS won't be able to decide which package / app the layout is from.



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