Send data to controller on angular

I am trying to select a value from a dropdown and get data from the corresponding select id in angularJs

I came up with angular-ui / ui-select

<ui-select ng-model="customer" theme="selectize">
     <ui-select-match placeholder="Customer List">{{$select.selected.Name}}</ui-select-match>
        <ui-select-choices repeat="customer in customers | filter: $">
            <span ng-bind-html="customer.Name | highlight: $"></span>
            <small ng-bind-html="customer.Id.toString() | highlight: $"></small>


on my controller i have a client method

$scope.setActiveCustomer = function(customer) {
  customersService.getCustomers(customer).then(function(response) {
    $scope.selectedCustomer = response;


my problem

  • once i select the customer what event should i use to fire setActiveCustomer (like onchange or something). when i use the ng-click

    event fired many times because it is ng-click

    used to control activation.

  • Another thing is how can I set the initial value for ui-select ?



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1 answer

According to the ui-select FAQ, your expression ng-model

should contain .

in it, for example:

<ui-select ng-model="model.customer" theme="selectize">


To set the initial value, you can simply set the property specified in ng-model

, so in your controller:

$scope.model = {
  customer: $scope.customers[0] // set the initial selected option


For onchange event, you can use $scope.$watch()

like this:

$scope.$watch('model.customer', function (customer) {


Hope it helps.



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