AngularStrap 2.x throw 404 Not found when used with requirejs

I am trying to use angular -strap with requirejs in a project and I did the following in requirejs.config.js:

  baseUrl: 'app',
  paths: {

    angular:                  '../bower_components/angular/angular',
    'angular-strap':          '../bower_components/angular-strap/dist/angular-strap.min',
    'angular-strap-tpl':      '../bower_components/angular-strap/dist/angular-strap.tpl.min',

  shim: {

    angular: {
      deps: ['jquery'],
      exports: 'angular'

    bootstrap: {
      deps: ['jquery']

    jquery: {
      exports: 'jQuery'

    // simple dependency declaration
    'jquery-ui':            ['jquery'],
    'jquery.flot':          ['jquery'],
    'jquery.flot.pie':      ['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],
    'jquery.flot.selection':['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],
    'jquery.flot.stack':    ['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],
    'jquery.flot.stackpercent':['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],
    'jquery.flot.time':     ['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],

    'angular-sanitize':     ['angular'],
    'angular-animate':      ['angular'],
    'angular-cookies':      ['angular'],
    'angular-dragdrop':     ['jquery','jquery-ui','angular'],
    'angular-loader':       ['angular'],
    'angular-mocks':        ['angular'],
    'angular-resource':     ['angular'],
    'angular-route':        ['angular'],
    'angular-touch':        ['angular'],

    'angular-strap':        ['angular', 'angular-animate', 'bootstrap','timepicker', 'datepicker'],
    'angular-strap-tpl':    ['angular', 'angular-strap'],



This is a sample file (I've added points for the removed parts).

When I tried to start the application, I got the following console logs:

GET http://localhost:8983/project/tooltip/tooltip.tpl.html 404 (Not Found) angular.js:8521
GET http://localhost:8983/project/tooltip/tooltip.tpl.html 404 (Not Found) angular.js:8521
GET http://localhost:8983/project/tooltip/tooltip.tpl.html 404 (Not Found) angular.js:8521


I noticed that angular-strap is looking for these files in the baseUrl, so they were not found. How do angular-strap search for templates in the correct file?


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1 answer

I found the problem and the injector couldn't find the "angular-strap-tpl" path, so when added to app.js in the required function it worked.

Sample code from app.js




and then in the application manual boot buffer added "mgcrea.ngStrap" to the dependency array like this:

  var apps_deps = [


This fixed the problem and now it works well.



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