Change Unique Names of Friendly ID Names

I am using the friendly_id gem. In the .rb portfolio, I posted these two lines:

  extend FriendlyId
  friendly_id :title, use: :slugged


As you can see, I am using the slug parameter as well. When I create a project called "example" it works and I can find the project under

. Now, if I create a second one with the same name, I get a title for it, like this one:

. I don't like this title. I was hoping for a friendlier title, for example example-2


In this question, RSB (the user) told me that his friendly_id is causing this. I was wondering if there is a way to create a friendlier one. At first I thought about doing "manually" checking if the same title exists (in a while loop) and assigning a different title using example-2 or example-3 or ... example-N.

However, do I need to do something, or am I missing something? Is there an easier way to do something like this?


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2 answers

Check the documentation for the latest friendly_id:

New "Candidates" feature that makes it easier to customize a list of alternative slugs that can be used to uniquely recognize records rather than add a sequence.

An example straight from the docs:

class Restaurant < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend FriendlyId
  friendly_id :slug_candidates, use: :slugged

  # Try building a slug based on the following fields in
  # increasing order of specificity.
  def slug_candidates
      [:name, :city],
      [:name, :street, :city],
      [:name, :street_number, :street, :city]





The problem you are talking about is how it adds (they call UUIDs) duplicate entries: friendly-id


Now that candidates have been added, FriendlyId no longer uses a number sequence to differentiate a conflicting slug, but rather a UUID (for example, something like 2bc08962-b3dd-4f29-b2e6-244710c86106). This makes the codebase simpler and more reliable when running concurrently by introducing weaker identifiers when conflicts occur.

I don't understand why they did it as it goes against the mantra of friendly ID, but you should still appreciate how it works. And while I don't think slug_candidates

the above method will prove to be more successful, I think you can use something like custom method

to determine the slug you want


You want to read this documentation (very informative)

It says that there are two ways to define the "bullet" that your entries assign, either through a custom method or by overriding the method normalize_friendly_id

. Here's my interpretation of both of them for you:

Custom Method

Class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
   extend FriendlyID
   friendly_id :custom_name, use: :slugged

   def custom_name
     name = self.count "name = #{name}"
     count = (name > 0) ? "-" + name : nil 



Class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
   extend FriendlyID
   friendly_id :name, use: :slugged

   def normalize_friendly_id
     count = self.count "name = #{name}"
     super + "-" + count if name > 0




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