Development / test / production variables in Javascript

I am trying to find the best approach for managing different values ​​for the same variables in Devlopment, Test and Production environments.
For example, I have a variable jsonFile

that can be:

var jsonFile = http://localhost:63342/json/appsconfig.json

for env development

var jsonFile =

to check env

var jsonFile =

for env production

I'm trying to learn a lot about the Frontend Development Stack, but I'm confused as to which tool to use. I will be using Google Closure Tools for minification, might it be helpful to toggle variable values ​​as well? Or can this be considered a Grunt task (even though I can't figure out how to properly set up Grunt tasks ...)?


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1 answer

What better way is to write JSON to JS file which is part of your build artifacts. Something like file-creator that can write a file like this (using a simplified setup that can obviously be made more dynamic).

At the top of your module.exports for grunt tasks, load the config file into var, e.g .:

var configData = grunt.file.readJSON('../config/appsconfig.json'),


Then write to a new JS file using the grunt file creator module

"file-creator": {
    'dev': {
        'build/config.js': function (fs, fd, done) {
                    'var yourSiteHere = yourSiteHere || {}; yourSiteHere.config = '
                    + JSON.stringify(configData) + ";"


Then load that JS file into the page (maybe even minify it using a separate task). Then you can access the configuration data like this:

var apiEndPoint = yourSiteHere.config.api.apiEndPoint,
    apiKey = yourSiteHere.config.api.apiKey;




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