How can I concatenate multiple values ​​in one field or column? (Database)

I have a table in MySQL that needs to be grouped. I am fetching a sales order with multiple items ordered

My current database query looks like this: enter image description here

As you can see, there are 2 items sold in sales order 255, while purchase order 300 has 3 items purchased

Problem: I need to concatenate all product_id and their prices in a line_items field or column according to their order_id

The result I want is this: enter image description here

This is the query I used:

SELECT bsb.ORDER_ID AS order_id, bsb.PRODUCT_ID AS product_id, bsb.PRICE AS   product_price, '' AS line_items
FROM bsb
INNER JOIN bso ON bso.ID = bsb. ORDER_ID
WHERE bsb.ORDER_ID in(255, 300)


Please help me...


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1 answer

You can use CONCAT

internally GROUP_CONCAT

to have the result set you want, but keep in mind that there GROUP_CONCAT

is a default of 1024 characters for concatenation, but it can be increased by following GROUP_CONCAT

the user guide

SELECT bsb.ORDER_ID AS order_id, 
GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('product_id: ',bsb.PRODUCT_ID,' | ',bsb.PRICE) SEPARATOR ';') AS line_items
FROM bsb
INNER JOIN bso ON bso.ID = bsb. ORDER_ID
WHERE bsb.ORDER_ID in(255, 300)




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