Is there a safe way to declare a string variable in visual basic?

When working with PHP, I have always declared my string variable and set them to zero to be safe. I'm new to visual basic and I'm wondering what is the safest way to declare a string variable. Will it

Dim strWords As String


enough? Or is it better to set to null or nothing or some other default or primitive type?


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3 answers

By default, strWords will be the default Nothing


Instead of guaranteeing that this value is never nothing by setting a value when you declare a variable, you must ensure that your code leaves no room for it to strWords

be Nothing, and if so, it must be handled.

If you need to check if a string is empty or nothing, you can do:

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(strWords) Then




The best way to declare a string variable is to set it to an empty string immediately after the declaration. For most .NET developers, it is a common mistake to set a string to "or Nothing. This is incorrect, because" "is not really an empty string for the .NET CLR, and nothing can throw a NullReferenceException if you reference the string later in The following is the correct code to declare a string:

Dim str As String = "" ' <--This is "not best practice"
Dim str2 As String = Nothing ' <--This is "not best practice"
Dim str3 As String = vbNullString ' <--This is "not best practice"
Dim str4 As String = String.Empty ' <--correct




In .net and, the best safe way to declare a string is to give the variable a type name. For example:

Dim MyString As System.String


I like to declare a string (or any type) with a fully qualified name to avoid confusion. And don't do this:

Dim MyString = "hello world"




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