How do I implement a singleton provider for qmlRegisterSingletonType?

I want to use C ++ classes as Singleton instances in QML and figured I needed to register them in the qmlRegisterSingletonType. This function requires a function that provides an instance of a registered C ++ class. I am using latest Qt 5.3.1 with MinGW 4.8 enabled for Windows.

the documentation shows the following example of a provider function:

static QJSValue example_qjsvalue_singletontype_provider(QQmlEngine *engine, 
    QJSEngine *scriptEngine)

    static int seedValue = 5;
    QJSValue example = scriptEngine->newObject();
    example.setProperty("someProperty", seedValue++);
    return example;


I tried to use this, but I get a compiler warning when I define an out-of-class function like this in a header, appearing in another cpp file, including the same header:

warning: 'QObject* example_qjsvalue_singletontype_provider(QQmlEngine*, 
QJSEngine*)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]


Also, it's just plain wrong to write a singleton provider that returns a new instance when called from different cpp files. So I tried my own implementation, where I use a static member of the class to return an instance:

// mysingleton.h
class MySingleton: public QObject
    static QObject *qmlInstance(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine) {


            m_instance = new MySingleton();
        return m_instance;
    MySingleton(QObject* parent = 0)
    static QObject* m_instance;


I tried to log this with ...

qmlRegisterSingletonType<MySingleton>(uri, 1, 0, "MySingleton", 


This solution also doesn't work, I get linker errors:

qmlInstanceEP10QQmlEngineP9QJSEngine]+0x42): undefined reference to 


What's the correct solution to provide the required Singleton instance with 1) a function outside the scope of the class and 2) a member function of the class?

Why does the example suggest creating a new instance every time the provider function is called?


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3 answers

  it's just wrong to write a singleton provider that returns a new instance when called from different cpp files. So I tried my own implementation where I use a static member of the class to return an instance

Quoting from the documentation for the function qmlRegisterSingletonType


NOTE. The QObject singleton instance returned by the singleton provider belongs to the QML engine. For this reason, a singleton type provider function should not be implemented as a singleton type factory.

This means that this behavior, when a singleton type provider returns a new instance, is done on purpose, even though, as you may have noticed, it looks strange at first glance. So, your class implementation should look something like this:

class MySingleton: public QObject

    MySingleton() {}

    static QObject *qmlInstance(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine)

        return new MySingleton;


Moreover, you must use the ampersand for MySingleton::qmlInstance

, since it is a member method. See this for more information. Then the registration should look like this:

qmlRegisterSingletonType<MySingleton>(uri, 1, 0, "MySingleton", &MySingleton::qmlInstance);




The problem (your second example) is that you have to initialize a static member variable m_instance. You can do this in your mysingleton.cpp file, for example:

QObject * MySingleton::m_instance = 0;




If you want to call this singleton class also from C ++, please change the line

return new MySingleton;



return new &MySingleton;




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