Show tooltip when hovering over ace

I am creating a collaborative coding environment that has multiple custom cursors. I need to show a user's nickname when another user hovers over a tooltip (e.g. google docs). I've tried everything I can think of by injecting the DOM into the class I give to the cursor, but the tooltips just don't appear.

How can I show a tooltip on the cursor (carriage) when the user hovers over it?


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2 answers

Unfortunately, this is not trivial. And more code is required than I can add to this answer. But there are several implementations on github like which you can check# at



I know this is late, but it might help someone in the future.

I had the same problem in Ace where I couldn't get the tooltip at first, and secondly, I couldn't display it on hover.


Marker nodes are pointer-events: none

in Ace, so hover is essentially disabled and needs to be re-enabled.

Add pointer-events: auto

to marker / caret. I.e:

.ace-multi-cursor {
    pointer-events: auto;



Title / Tooltip

I used ace-collab-ext. So to add the username above the caret, I edited AceCursorMarker.js by adding <span class="ace-multi-cursor-username" style="background-color: ${this._color}; top: -8px; position: relative;">${this._title}</span>

and recompiling ace-collab-ext.min.js. Below I've added a range of titles:

// Caret Top
  '<div class="ace-multi-cursor ace_start" style="',
  `height: ${5}px;`,
  `width: ${6}px;`,
  `top: ${top - 2}px;`,
  `left: ${left + 4}px;`,
  `background-color: ${this._color};`,
  `"><span class="ace-multi-cursor-username" style="background-color: ${this._color}; top: -8px; position: relative;">${this._title}</span></div>`


There might be an easier way to do this that suits you, but this way worked for me, especially with preserving the background color, since the attempts I made through js / css did not persist after initialization (cursorManager.addCursor).


This is the total amount of css I added to my solution:

.ace-multi-cursor {
    position: absolute;
    pointer-events: auto;
.ace-multi-cursor:hover > .ace-multi-cursor-username {
    opacity: 1;
.ace-multi-cursor-username {
    opacity: 0;
    pointer-events: auto;


My solution ended up looking and functioning exactly like the google marker, caret, and tooltip.



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