Meteor crashes with error: there was no version 0.9.1 of the iron-router package

Launching Meteor 0.8.3, hasn't worked on my project since Monday. Today I cannot start Meteor and not use Meteorite Package Manager:

/usr/local/bin/mrt run

Stand back while Meteorite does its thing
smart.json changed.. installing from smart.json

      throw('No version ' + version + ' of package ' + + ' was found
No version 0.9.1 of package iron-router was found in the atmosphere database

Process finished with exit code 8


I have a suspicious suspicion that this is because they are preparing a new Meteor package system. Does anyone know how I can start this application again?


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2 answers

It seems that the upcoming version of the iron router has been prematurely pushed. Instructions for rolling back are here .



open smart.json and change the iron router entry to the following.

"iron-router": "0.8.2"


run mrt update



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