How to remove _dc parameter from sencha touch 2 request

Each sencha request has an additional _dc parameter. Please take the following image. Look every request has _dc parameter

I want to remove this parameter for every request. So please help me to do this.



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2 answers

_dc is "disable cache". You can disable this noCache setting in proxy in store \ model. Example:

Ext.define('your model name', {
   extend: '',

   fields: [...],

   proxy: {
      url: 'getcandidateblock',
      noCache: false


But this is a bad idea for ALL requests to the server.



Use noCache 'in your store proxy

To disable the '_dc' query parameter , set this parameter to false .

From Sencha Doc,

noCache . Disable caching by adding a unique parameter name to the request. Set to false to enable caching. The default is true.



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