Gradle: set variable in taskGraph.whenReady

My build script has this code:

def includePatchFrom = "WTF?!"

task patchWebXml(type: Exec) {
    executable "perl"
    args "scripts/", includePatchFrom

gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
    if (taskGraph.hasTask(webtestWar)) {
        includePatchFrom = "resources/webtest"
    else {
        includePatchFrom = "resources/production"


If I understand correctly , I have to set this variable includePatchFrom

in the closure whenReady

, but it just keeps its initial value:

Starting process 'command 'perl''. Working directory: /Users/robert/ Command: perl scripts/ WTF?!
Successfully started process 'command 'perl''
Cannot read WTF?!: No such file or directory at scripts/ line 43, <$F> line 14.
:patchWebXml FAILED


In the println outputs, I can tell I am includePathFrom

getting the correct value. It looks like the exec task has already used the old value includePatchFrom

and is not affected when the close completes whenReady


What am I missing here and how can I use a different patch file depending on whether it is a production or test build?


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1 answer


happens much later than task configuration. By then it is too late to change the value of the variable. Instead, you will have to (re) configure the task directly ( patchWebXml.args ...




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