Hierarchical search for records in a single query

I am using PostgreSQL 9.2. I have a products table that stores product information and its child table is a content table that contains related products.

suppose, for example, if I have a product called Burger in the main table, then I will have its content such products as



They may be a scenario where bread is the main product, and its contents are flour and salt, etc.

I am writing a query to retrieve all products (ids associated with them) with their content products, which should display something like this hierarchy



I need to get a result like this

burger bread
burger cheese
burger chilli
bread  flour
bread  salt


This hierarchy can work up to n level (for example, even gender can have sub-content with it, in which case it should be something like this

burger bread
burger cheese
burger chilli
bread  flour
bread  salt
flour  someprod1
flour someprod2   assuming if someprod1 and someprod2 are the contents)


I wrote the following request:

select rec.m_product_id,rec.m_productbom_id 
from rec_product_recipe  rec
join rec_product_recipe rec1
on rec1.m_productbom_id = rec.m_product_id


But it manifests itself to the very level:

burger bread
burger cheese
burger chilli



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1 answer

This is a tutorial example for recursive CTE :

   SELECT 0 AS lvl, m_product_id, m_productbom_id
   FROM   rec_product_recipe
   WHERE  m_product_id = <id of burger> -- restrict to one root product

   SELECT c.lvl + 1, r.m_product_id, r.m_productbom_id
   FROM   cte  c
   JOIN   rec_product_recipe r ON r.m_product_id = c.m_productbom_id
   -- WHERE c.lvl < 10   -- protection against loops (optional)
FROM   cte
ORDER  BY 1,2,3;


Much similar to this:

If you have circular dependencies, the request will depend on an infinite loop and eventually throw an exception. If this can happen, add some kind of abort condition. As well as the maximum iteration level I added as a comment. Or LIMIT n

for the external SELECT

, which also makes the CTE loop stop as soon as enough rows have been received. Examples in the manual .



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