Babel numbers format_currency function

I work on a site where we use many languages ​​and we use Babel library to display price / currency. The problem is that when format_currency is called, the center part is always returned, even if the price is explicitly entered into an integer.


>>> print format_currency(100, 'EUR', locale='fr_FR')
100,00 €

>>> print format_currency(int(100), 'EUR', locale='fr_FR')

This is a way around this, so that the return value excludes the center section to have something like

>>> print format_currency(int(100), 'EUR', locale='fr_FR')


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3 answers

You can specify a custom format:

format_currency(100, 'EUR', format=u'#,##0\xa0¤', locale='fr_FR')


See the LDML markup specification for details ; the byte \xa0

is the character U + 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE ; not regular space.

The fr_FR

for is used by default #,##0.00\xa0¤

, and the part .00

signals that the decimal part should be printed with two digits padded if not. My example above just removed the decimal part, you can also use .##

to allow a fraction if the number is not an exact integer, but note that in this case the value .5

is printed without the 2nd digit!


>>> from babel.numbers import format_currency
>>> print format_currency(100, 'EUR', format=u'#,##0\xa0¤', locale='fr_FR')
100 €
>>> print format_currency(100.0, 'EUR', format=u'#,##0.##\xa0¤', locale='fr_FR')
100 €




You have to add currency_digits parameter with format to achieve your goal

>>> print(format_currency(100, 'EUR', locale='fr_FR')
100,00 €
>>> print(format_currency(100, 'EUR', locale='fr_FR', currency_digits=False))
100,00 €
>>> print(format_currency(100, 'EUR', format=u'#,##0\xa0¤', locale='fr_FR'))
100,00 €
>>> print(format_currency(100, 'EUR', format=u'#,##0\xa0¤', locale='fr_FR', currency_digits=False))
100 €




In cases where the locale is arbitrary it would be painful to rewrite the format by hand, here is a solution that seems to work.

Just in case, here is the code suggested by Akx for the github release:

from babel import Locale
from babel.numbers import decimal

def custom_format_currency(value, currency, locale):
    value = decimal.Decimal(value)
    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
    pattern = locale.currency_formats['standard']
    force_frac = ((0, 0) if value == int(value) else None)
    return pattern.apply(value, locale, currency=currency, force_frac=force_frac)

print(custom_format_currency('2.50', 'EUR', 'fi'))
print(custom_format_currency('2.00', 'EUR', 'fi'))




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