Forking with API GitHub V3 (REST)

I am trying to deploy a repo using the GitHub V3 API via REST, however I am having problems getting the POST request as per the docs ( ).

Basically what I am so far:
 - Registered user with OAuth token
 - Setting up a POST request for API (url - ) - I'm testing this with hurl .it to start with.
 - Headers in the request: one has the name "Authorization" with the value "token ...", the other specifies "Content-Type" with the value "application / json"
 - Body with the following JSON: '{"organization": "shortlisthome" } '(shortlisthome is the account I'm trying to unlock the repo.

I am not going to fork this into an organization and not a standard user account, which I am confused about. When I run the request, I don't get any authentication errors or 404 errors (I previously had, but I mistakenly entered the wrong values, causing errors like this).

When I run this request, I get the following result (422 unhandled request):

"message": "Validation Failed",
"documentation_url": "---url-to-docs---",
"errors": [
"resource": "Fork",
"code": "invalid",
"field": "organization"


I'm not sure if I can do this for a standard user, or if this is a bug with my request. Please let me know if I can provide more information (first post here, a bit unfamiliar with the convention). Thank!


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3 answers

For shortlisthome to fork the repository you need to authenticate. The repository you are trying to fork is public , so all you have to do is get the OAuth token for shortlisthome and then make a similar request to the one you are currently making. The only difference is that you don't need to provide a JSON body {"organization": "shortlisthome"}


For what it is, the JSON add-on module is for you when you are a member of an organization with the proper permissions and want to fork a repository for that organization. You cannot unblock a repository for another account unless you are authenticated like them.



I have avoided OAuth2 so far and have no idea what to say. But maybe it can help. This post shows how this can be done using the cURL user flag -u


curl -u 'myusername' -d ''

The flag -d

(or alternative --data

) turns it into a POST request.
Without this flag, cURL defaults to a GET request, which is not what you want.

Since the data are part of the URI for the query, send a blank line for the data that must follow the parameter -d

as such: -d ''


Of course, using -u will require you to supply a password as well.
Here's what GitHub shows with OAuth2 from their API :

  • OAuth2 Token (sent in the header):
    curl -H "Authorization: token OAUTH-TOKEN"

  • OAuth2 Token (sent as a parameter):

  • Read more about OAuth2 . Please note that OAuth2 tokens can be purchased programmatically for applications that are not websites.

  • OAuth2 Key / Secret
    curl ''

I suspect adding -d ''

(or some equivalent to hurl),
plus one of the above formats for sending OAuth2 information might get most of the way from you.



I used this command to fork to github enterprise curl -vX POST<org-to-fork-from>/<repo-to-fork>/forks?access_token=<api-token> -d @gh-fork.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"

gh-fork.json is just

{ "organization": "org-to-fork-to", "description": "", "homepage": "", "private": false }



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